Who are we?

We are a small group of like-minded people who think that Cryptocurrency is not only here to stay but it is the way foward. We have teamed up to create a company which builds and hosts machines with large amounts of hashing power.

We have chosen to go with GPU mining because we wanted the flexibility to swap currencies at any point, limiting our exposure to a any failing coins or drops in prices related to FUD. We can very quickly switch coin to the most profitable coin and mine that, sending it straight to the exchange.

Referral Links:

If you have had help from us and want to provide a little reward, you can either drop us some XVG\BTC or use one of our referral links

Binance Exchange
Coinbase and GDAX Exchange
$XVG Donation: DBpizfUAG4WQef9DTLo6HZsemDbrJXCogE
$BTC Donation: 1FrMgapKEVgBAuZm9hrSm7NK9AEQRMhrdd

orm logo badage

Current Mining Stats

Total Hashrate 5sCurrent Pool & AlgoAvg Temp °C
No data sorry

Will you mine for me?

Yes we can provide quotes on a per GPU per hour basis.

We currently have 42 1080Tis that can be pointed at any desired pool or solomining wallet.

Our services are also avaible indirectly through NiceHash a cloud mining service site.

Payments can be made in Bitcoin(BTC\XBT), or Verge (XVG) and that old paper stuff as well (GBP).

Contact us here:


OR Mining on Twitter

What do you mine?

We mine pretty much mine all of the ALT Coins. We do mine other algos, please ask if not below.

bastion use to mine Joincoin
bitcore use to mine Bitcore's Timetravel10
blake use to mine Saffroncoin (Blake256)
blakecoin use to mine Old Blake 256
blake2s use to mine Nevacoin (Blake2-S 256)
bmw use to mine Midnight
cryptolight use to mine AEON cryptonight (MEM/2)
cryptonight use to mine XMR cryptonight, Bytecoin, Dash, DigitalNote, etc
c11/flax use to mine Chaincoin and Flax
decred use to mine Decred 180 bytes Blake256-14
deep use to mine Deepcoin
dmd-gr use to mine Diamond-Groestl
equihash use to mine ZEC, HUSH and KMD
fresh use to mine Freshcoin
fugue256 use to mine Fuguecoin
groestl use to mine Groestlcoin
hsr use to mine Hshare
jackpot use to mine Sweepcoin
keccak use to mine Maxcoin
keccakc use to mine CreativeCoin
lbry use to mine LBRY Credits
luffa use to mine Joincoin
lyra2 use to mine CryptoCoin
lyra2v2 use to mine Vertcoin
lyra2z use to mine Zerocoin (XZC)
myr-gr use to mine Myriad-Groest
neoscrypt use to mine FeatherCoin, Trezarcoin, Orbitcoin, etc
nist5 use to mine TalkCoin
penta use to mine Joincoin / Pentablake
phi use to mine LUXCoin
polytimos use to mine Polytimos
quark use to mine Quarkcoin
qubit use to mine Qubit
scrypt use to mine Scrypt coins (Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc)
scrypt:N use to mine Scrypt-N (:10 for 2048 iterations)
scrypt-jane use to mine Chacha coins like Cache and Ultracoin
s3 use to mine 1coin (ONE)
sha256t use to mine OneCoin (OC)
sia use to mine SIA
sib use to mine Sibcoin
skein use to mine Skeincoin
skein2 use to mine Woodcoin
skunk use to mine Signatum
timetravel use to mine MachineCoin
tribus use to mine Denarius
x11evo use to mine Revolver
x11 use to mine DarkCoin
x14 use to mine X14Coin
x15 use to mine Halcyon
x16r use to mine RavenCoin
x17 use to mine Verge
vanilla use to mine Vanilla (Blake256)
veltor use to mine VeltorCoin
whirlpool use to mine Joincoin
wildkeccak use to mine Boolberry (Stratum only)
zr5 use to mine ZiftrCoin